A crash course in ‘crash course’

The Too-Often-Untold Story of The Totally Uncloneable Hank Green
Nick Gaudio

Can you BE a creator on the Internet and not know Hank Green? 

Well, that's probably why you're here. You may not actually know him.

So we're not going to diss you. 

We'll just start with this: He's a big freakin' deal.

You see, while you may not have felt it yourself directly — because the change wasn’t immediate, stark, hard — but around 2012 the Internet changed whole-cloth forever.

Thankfully, for the better.

Ya see...

Content became more user-focused.

Communities started cropping up around it.

A dialogue started forming.
And at the heart of this transformation, away from the viral dances and fleeting trends, were pioneers like Hank Green.
Educators, creators, and  innovators who had a vision, and saw it through in such a way (so convincingly, so masterfully) as to inspire us all to follow suit.

Wait — why are we talking about Hank Green?  

Aren’t we just an automation software company?

Well, one, we’re a creator company first and foremost. Automation is just what we do to help our creator friends.

And for two, along with making the one and only Vidcon, Hank’s work as an environmental scientist, and his podcasting skills… it’s safe to say that the guy is just plain awesome. 

But the main reason you should know way, way more about Hank Green is simple: You can learn a lot from him.

And we don’t just mean through watching his awesome content. 

We’re also more than STOKED to announce that Mr. Hank Green will be bringing his unique blend of experience and insights doing his thing to Instagram Summit by Manychat, where he will lead a not-to-be-missed Q&A fireside chat. 

ANYWAY. Before we get into that, let’s talk about just what a wonder Hank Green is, and why this is probably the biggest thing to happen to me, personally. Also you.

All rise for the honorable Hank Green

It was 2007, a simpler time — hair was frosted, pants were low-rise, and YouTube was a fledgling platform more known for goofy cat videos (still valuable) than educational content.  (Unless you wanted to know what a poptart and cat hybrid might look like.)

Enter Hank and brother John, who started a project called Vlogbrothers, which would soon become a cornerstone of YT culture.
Random fun fact: Before starting his education channel Hank had already found a taste of internet stardom from his time as a musician and songwriter: his song "Accio Deathly Hallows," which went viral on YouTube just before all of this.

The brothers’ blend of punchy delivery, profound insights, and (most importantly) earnest, unwavering enthusiasm for whatever their subject matter was, set them apart.

It was infectious, it was everywhere… but also importantly, it was communal

I actually remember my first experience with Hank’s content (here — warning: mild language). I instantly loved the guy. How could you not? He had an amazingly chippy relationship with his brother and The Vlogbrothers didn’t merely share their thoughts and leave it be, they sparked dialogue, they built a community around their content.

In short: you didn’t consume content, you felt part of something bigger.
They frequently took the feedback from their comments seriously, in a way that just wasn’t posh at the time.

Today, Hank’s influence stretches far beyond just “make entertaining videos and be community-aware.” He pioneered an approach to content that combines both education with entertainment, affectionately known as "edutainment." 

That's right. He's the guy who started that in earnest.

And he's done so much more.

Through the Project for Awesome, a charity event he co-created, Hank has helped raise millions of dollars for various global charities, demonstrating his commitment to making a positive impact. He’s written critically acclaimed fiction and even invented 2D glasses (that allow people who find 3D movies uncomfortable to watch them in 2D).

Through all of these endeavors, Hank has addressed complex scientific theories, tackled often-prickly social issues, and amazingly... demystified the often-intimidating world of Academia.

Hank’s ability to connect with just about all audiences — not just me — making challenging topics accessible and enjoyable, has educated millions and inspired countless others to follow in his footsteps.

The 'Crash Course' era

In 2012, Mr. Green took his passion for making learning accessible and launched "Crash Course" with funding from Google's original content initiative, which gave $1M each to 100 creators, including luminaries like Madonna and Shaq, to encourage them to make content on what was supposed to become Google TV (that part didn’t pan out).

It’s safe to say, looking at the list of those who got a slice of Google’s $100M funding, Hank was among the lesser-known folks on the list. But today, Crash Course is among the most successful to have survived since then.

Aimed at providing high-quality educational videos at no cost, "Crash Course" was designed to help students worldwide, particularly those who couldn't afford traditional education. While there were course-lead sites like Udemy around back then, they hadn’t gotten anywhere near the traction that Hank and company had seen.

What started as a series in World History and Biology has since expanded into courses on everything from British Lit to Computer Science.

"Crash Course" videos are known for their clarity, humor, and high production values, making them a favorite among both students and teachers.

The YouTube channel now boasts over 15 million subscribers and has become an integral resource in classrooms around the world. Through these videos, Hank has democratized education, ensuring that anyone with basic internet access can learn about complicated subjects in a straightforward and engaging manner. And this is why we (speaking not just from Manychat’s POV, but also humanity’s) love him.

The success of "Crash Course" has proven that super-high-quality educational content can be both free and widely accessible — AND that there’s a working financial model to support creators. (Obviously, it helped to take Google’s money.) Hank's model of blending classical educational rigor with engaging presentation has set the bar super high.

The big lesson: Authenticity matters

Authenticity is Hank’s calling card. 

Beyond "Crash Course," he’s been involved in numerous projects where his affable personality shines through like 10,000 suns.

From his environmental advocacy on "SciShow" to discussing complex psychological concepts on the sister show "SciShow Psych," Hank ensures that his content is informative, inclusive and accessible. His approach to topics — whether light-hearted or serious — always maintains a level of honesty and openness, which has been key to his success and influence.

As Internet-based content is often criticized for its stupidity, superficiality, or misinformation, creators like Hank Green are vital.
Their commitment to authenticity helps cultivate an online culture that values depth, kindness, and fun. How could you say pishposh to that?

Join Hank Green at the IGSxM

This year's Instagram Summit by Manychat presents an amazing chance to network with industry peers AND engage directly with fellow pioneers like Hank Green.

Scheduled to host a Q&A fireside chat titled “Hank Green thinks creators are getting screwed,” (heh) Hank will delve into the nitty-gritty of creating impactful, authentic content in an increasingly crowded digital space. Attendees will have the rare chance to gain insights from his extensive experience, and ask questions that matter to their personal and professional growth in content creation.

During our fireside chat (hilariously titled "Hank Green Thinks Creators Are Getting Screwed") Hank will explore various topics around... well... that. He will also share personal anecdotes and lessons learned from over a decade of being at the vanguard of content creation.

At that, Instagram Summit by Manychat isn't just another industry event; it's a career-making opportunity. It's where future trends are forecasted, strategies are refined, and collaborations are formed. For anyone serious about making a mark in digital content creation, this summit is pivotal.

By attending Hank’s session, participants will leave with insights and inspiration from one of the internet's most influential personalities... One could even say, one of the godfathers of modern content.

If you’re ready to enter the world of authentic content creation with Hank Green, join us at the Instagram Summit by Manychat this October!

Or if it's not for you, don't!

(We're trying to keep this authenticity thing going.)